Initiation to the Novitiate at Pushpavanam Ashram, Manaparai

Initiation to the Novitiate at Pushpavanam Ashram, Manaparai

August 31, 2024 | Pushpavanam Ashram, Manaparai, Tamil Nadu

In a solemn and spiritually uplifting ceremony, postulant Arun Janusan from the Diocese of Mannar, Sri Lanka Region, was initiated into the novitiate at Pushpavanam Ashram, Manaparai. The ceremony, held during the evening prayer, was presided over by the Very Rev. Fr. Justin Raj CR, Prior General.

Postulant Arun Janusan, who passed the Advanced Level Public Examination and successfully completed the entrance exam at the National Seminary in Kandy, has now embarked on his spiritual journey as a novice. The initiation was marked by a simple but profound ceremony, where Fr. Justin Raj CR, Prior General officially welcomed Arun into the novitiate and entrusted him to the care of the Novice Master, Rev. Fr. Johnson CR.

The entire community at Pushpavanam Ashram attended the ceremony, providing a warm and supportive environment for the new novice. Rev. Fr. Rajeshwaran CR, one of the Regional Councillors from Sri Lanka, also witnessed the sacred occasion, having accompanied Arun on this significant step in his spiritual journey.

This initiation marks the beginning of a new chapter for Arun Janusan as he enters the novitiate, dedicating himself to deepening his faith and commitment to religious life under the guidance of experienced spiritual mentors at the ashram.

The ceremony was a testament to the enduring traditions of Rosarian way of life and the commitment of the members of Pushpavanam Ashram to nurturing new vocations. As Arun begins this new chapter in his spiritual journey, he carries with him the prayers and support of his community, and the entire Congregation.


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