Christmas 2024 Night Mass at Rosarian Generalate Chapel: A Night Filled with of Divine Love and Joy

Christmas 2024 Night Mass at Rosarian Generalate Chapel: A Night Filled with of Divine Love and Joy

The Rosarian Generalate Chapel was aglow with light and the spirit of Christmas as the clock struck 10:30 p.m. on December 24, 2024. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist was led by Very Rev. Fr. S. Justin Raj CR, the Prior General of the Congregation of the Rosarians. This solemn yet joyful occasion brought together the RG and RTC communities, along with a few lay faithful, to rejoice in the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The highlight of the night was Fr. Justin Raj’s profound and heart-warming homily, which encapsulated the essence of Christmas as a celebration of joy, peace, and love. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas, he invited the congregation to immerse themselves in the spirit of this holy day.

Fr. Prior General started the preaching Wishing all A Happy Christmas, the Birthday of our saviour the Infant King, Jesus. This Feast is celebrated by all worldwide. No other celebration is done like Christmas. The reason is, in itself it has a celebration. It is so colourful and joyful and lovely celebration. Everyone smiles, singing carols and dancing, Santa Claus, gifts, sharing and reaching out the needy, etc.,

There is a feeling, an experience of love, the Divine born for everyone. It touches the hearts of every human being. A God became man and lived like human, died like an ordinary man, but an extra-ordinary death. A sacrifice of love for the sake of others. That every human may have life, a life eternal. For this is the purpose of creation of human persons. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jn 3:16. Those who love celebrate Christmas daily. Because God is love and that love came to be with us. “The word took flesh and dwelt among us”. He is called Emmanuel, God with us.

Christmas is a celebration of this Love that was born for us. The readings today remind us how this great miracle or Birth of God of Love that came to save the humanity as light to the people who lived in darkness of sin and disgrace. The Christmas is therefore a fulfilment of the promise of God the Father. The prophets foretold it, the chosen people believed and waited for centuries for this event, to see their Messiah Jesus; the Saviour of Humanity. This year it is a very special as we celebrate His 2025th birthday Jubilee year. Our Holy Father Francis, invites us to celebrate in synodality with solidarity with families, friends, poor, lonely and the needy.

Why Jesus took the form of a Man/ human? Why a poor baby? The reason could be: He was Rich in Love, He is Divine, he forgives, shares, cares, encourages, helps, gives everlasting life. The humanity once had it but lost, thus now He came down to give all these what he had in fullness. That is what today’s second reading says, He is our grace, He brought us the FULL OF GRACE to us so that we can overcome the world, all that we are struggling with today in our lives. His Grace is enough for me for us. “My grace is enough for you” 2 Cor 12:9.

We see in the world Rich and the Poor. We mean it based on wealth, money and property etc. but Jesus doesn’t say about it or bother about it. because we were created for higher purpose. Money will come and go, yesterday’s millionaire today’s poorest person, today’s poorest person can become a millionaire. This is history of the world, the history repeats. But Jesus came to change the History, He taught us that the Kingdom of God is near. We belong to that Kingdom, not earthly kingdom. He changed our thinking patron, therefore, live in communion, participation and do the mission.

Communion: Christmas reminds us that we are one family, united by the love of God. Let us build up relationship, bring people closer to each other. Let us commit ourselves to deepen our communion with others.

Participation: The incarnation reveals a God who chose to participate in our human condition. As followers of Jesus, we are invited to participate to renew our commitment to inclusivity, allowing the diversity of our gifts to enrich the body of Christ and beyond.

Mission: The Angels proclaimed the Good News to the shepherds, commissioning them to share it with others. We too are sent forth to be messengers of love, joy, hope and peace. We recommit ourselves to our mission of evangelization, bringing the light of Christ to a world overshadowed by darkness, such as sin, division, war, hatred, varieties of crisis, etc.

Let us put on Humility of our God and redeemer Jesus. He humbled Himself to be like us except sin. Unless we possess this great virtue, we cannot love others with unconditional love that Jesus loved us. We cannot serve the needy. That is why our Holy Founder Servant of God B.A. Thomas puts as our family likeness for every Rosarian. All those practice this virtue in our lives are happy, joyful, and live in love.

Let us be practising Christians, then the Christ is brought out of ourselves to the world again and again that is Christmas, Christ being born again and again in and through every living Christian. That was the experience of all the saints, particularly St. Paul asserts it, by his living experience, “I no longer live but Christ lives in me”. Gal 2:20. If we have Jesus in our hearts, the true manger, then it will be seen in our lives. Love, Joy, peace, generosity, sharing caring, selfless service, dedication, and all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit will be seen in one’s life. Let us rejoice as the shepherd did and the Sing and Glorify Him as the angels did. Let us adore, pay homage as the Magi did as we celebrate this Eucharist, receive Jesus in the form of Eucharist into our hearts. Let us recognize Jesus in our lives, in persons, events of our lives, then we can truly recognize Jesus in the manger. Let us pray for the entire humanity particularly those who do not experience love of God that they may be touched by infinite goodness and mercy of God today.

The Holy Mass concluded with the blessing of the Infant Jesus and prayed in front of the crib by singing Christmas songs by the choir members. The celebration continued with a joyous gathering at the Dine hall and cake-cutting ceremony led by Fr. Justin Raj, symbolizing unity and shared joy. The night left every participant enriched and inspired, reminding all that Christmas is not just a day but a way of life a celebration of God’s infinite love made manifest in Jesus Christ.


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