The Congregation of the Rosarians
About Us
About Us
Who are the Rosarians?
The congregation of the Rosarians is the First Indigenous Contemplative Congregation was founded by a dedicated holy priest Rev.Fr.B.A.Thomas OMI in 1928 in the Diocese of Jaffna in Sri Lanka in response to the call of Pope Pius XI in the encyclical letter “Rerum Eclesiae” (1926) to start indigenous contemplative houses in the mission lands to function as “ POWER HOUSE” of the diocese to energize the apostolic mission and a fitting response to the call of our Blessed Mother at Lourdes and Fatima for PRAYER, PENANCE and PRAYING THE HOLY ROSARY for the World Peace and to evangelize the world.
From the time of its inception up to now, the Congregation grows in strength and instrumental in initiating the growth of the missionary Church by means of prayer, penance, contemplation and its Ministry of Presence, (being available to God and the needy). At present the Congregation has 7 communities for Region of Sri Lanka and 19 Communities in India for men, one community in Canada and one in USA. The total numbers of monks are more than 200 it comprises of Priests, Religious Brothers, Formees and Associate Members.

The Rosarians are purely contemplative, religious and lead a simple life with continuous prayer and penance in the secluded Monasteries (Ashrams). The Congregation being an Indigenous Contemplative Religious Congregation, the members spend most of their time in prayers, meditation, Eucharistic adoration, retreats, un-interrupted recitation of Rosary etc., The Rosarian monks are perhaps one of the best examples of religious community, living a life of poverty, simplicity and totally identifying with the life style living conditions of the poorest of the society.

Why are We Rosarians?
- We are for the Greater Glory of God
- We are for the honour of our Blessed Mother
- We are for the Sanctification of Priests and Souls
- We are for extension of the Kingdom of God (Evangelization)
- We are for the conversion of one-self and the whole world
- We are for the reparation of the sins of one-self and the world
- At last, we die as saints