Rosarian Congregation Welcomes New Member After 15-Year Hiatus

Rosarian Congregation Welcomes New Member After 15-Year Hiatus

Kochchikade, Negombo, Sri Lanka – July 11, 2024

On 11th July 2024, The Regional Superior, Very Rev. Fr. A. F. Jeyaseelan CR, delegate of the Prior General, received the vows of Rev. Bro. Rasika Joseph Vaz Nilantha. This is so significant in the history of Rosarians in Sri Lanka as it took place after 15 years.

The event was graced by the presence of Rosarians Fathers and many priests and religious members from around Kochchikade and Negombo. The parents of Rev. Bro. Rasika Joseph Vaz Nilantha also attended, adding a personal touch to the solemn occasion.

“This is a moment of immense joy and gratitude,” said Very Rev. Fr. Jeyaseelan CR. “We thank God for the blessings through this new vocation to our congregation. It is a sign of renewal and hope for our communities in Sri Lanka.”

The ceremony was a testament to the enduring strength and resilience of the Rosarian Congregation. The presence of neighbouring priests and religious members highlighted the support and solidarity within the ecclesiastical communities.

As the Rosarian Congregation Welcomes Rev. Bro. Rasika Joseph Vaz Nilantha, they look forward to the fresh energy and dedication he will bring to their mission. This new vocation is seen as a beacon of hope, ensuring the continued spiritual growth and service of the Rosarian Congregation in Sri Lanka.


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